Kilpailutulos #170262 (Kilpailu #173559)

Takaisin tulosarkistoon

Kilpailu #173559 Tulos #170262
Kisapäivä 14.10.2021 VIP 13.10.2021
Jaos Westernjaos (WRJ) Arvontatapa Lyhyt/pitkä arvonta
Vastuuhenkilö titiuu, VRL-10361 Järjestävä talli Syringa Ranch (SYRI1233)
Kutsu www Info
Tulokset lähetetty 23.10.2021
titiuu, VRL-10361
Tulokset hyväksytty 24.10.2021
felissa VRL-04000
Luokkien määrä: 6 kpl

1. Barrel racing (32 osallistujaa)

1. k (VRL-10444) - London Fashion Week 'DW VH21-133-0113
2. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Ahi Kōmau LH VH21-002-0002
3. alina (VRL-14858) - Range Rover 'DW VH21-133-0102
4. alina (VRL-14858) - Gwenaël LH VH21-088-0002
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Anarchy Vs Monarchy VH21-037-0012
6. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Good Times VH21-002-0003
7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Fleeting Fancy WCR VH15-052-0079
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Namys Rose Warrior VH19-014-0012
9. titiuu (VRL-10361) - TomTom ‘DW VH21-133-0091
10. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Beetle VH21-133-0110
11. S (VRL-00329) - B Barmaid Ion VH20-014-0098
12. S (VRL-00329) - Penguin Lena Ion VH21-014-0190
13. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083
14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Cherryberry VH21-014-0196
15. S (VRL-00329) - Klondike River Ion VH21-014-0122
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Burn Down VH21-133-0043
17. S (VRL-00329) - B West Virginian Ion VH21-014-0187
18. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stetson VH21-133-0111
19. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176
20. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Designer VH21-133-0116
21. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Smoke on the Valley LH VH21-055-0014
22. alina (VRL-14858) - Chumani LH VH21-055-0021
23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bloom Gloom Sellamaye VH21-014-0179
24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rock a Bye Bivalve VH16-014-0068
25. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Robina Zombie LH VH21-115-0008
26. k (VRL-10444) - Gotta Catch Them All VH21-028-0106
27. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Secretive Sapphire LH VH21-014-0057
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Feeling Like A Monday VH19-014-0010
29. k (VRL-10444) - Code Wars 'DW VH21-133-0115
30. S (VRL-00329) - B Twice Over Ion VH21-014-0119
31. alina (VRL-14858) - Five Things 'DW VH21-133-0109
32. alina (VRL-14858) - Dolce Gabbana 'DW VH21-014-0180

2. Barrel racing (32 osallistujaa)

1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mail Breaker VH15-014-0020
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Grand And Glorious VH21-014-0036
3. S (VRL-00329) - Pink Raspberry Frost VH18-014-0039
4. S (VRL-00329) - Penguin Lena Ion VH21-014-0190
5. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Good Times VH21-002-0003
6. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Ahi Kōmau LH VH21-002-0002
7. S (VRL-00329) - Abbie Doo Ion VH21-014-0193
8. alina (VRL-14858) - Gwenaël LH VH21-088-0002
9. alina (VRL-14858) - Range Rover 'DW VH21-133-0102
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - OK VH21-052-0010
11. S (VRL-00329) - B Fierce Ion VH21-014-0185
12. alina (VRL-14858) - Five Things 'DW VH21-133-0109
13. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Feeling Like A Monday VH19-014-0010
14. k (VRL-10444) - London Fashion Week 'DW VH21-133-0113
15. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Burn Down VH21-133-0043
17. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Robina Zombie LH VH21-115-0008
18. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stetson VH21-133-0111
19. k (VRL-10444) - Code Wars 'DW VH21-133-0115
20. k (VRL-10444) - Gotta Catch Them All VH21-028-0106
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - TomTom ‘DW VH21-133-0091
22. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Secretive Sapphire LH VH21-014-0057
23. S (VRL-00329) - Jamboree Radon VH14-014-0098
24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Flammable Smoke DLHS VH21-052-0067
25. alina (VRL-14858) - Chumani LH VH21-055-0021
26. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Namys Rose Warrior VH19-014-0012
27. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Designer VH21-133-0116
28. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Smoke on the Valley LH VH21-055-0014
29. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083
30. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Day of Reckoning VH21-014-0041
31. alina (VRL-14858) - Dolce Gabbana 'DW VH21-014-0180
32. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Beetle VH21-133-0110

3. Pole bending (32 osallistujaa)

1. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Fleeting Fancy WCR VH15-052-0079
3. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Secretive Sapphire LH VH21-014-0057
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Namys Rose Warrior VH19-014-0012
5. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Ahi Kōmau LH VH21-002-0002
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Anarchy Vs Monarchy VH21-037-0012
7. alina (VRL-14858) - Dolce Gabbana 'DW VH21-014-0180
8. k (VRL-10444) - Gotta Catch Them All VH21-028-0106
9. k (VRL-10444) - London Fashion Week 'DW VH21-133-0113
10. alina (VRL-14858) - Five Things 'DW VH21-133-0109
11. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176
12. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Robina Zombie LH VH21-115-0008
13. alina (VRL-14858) - Range Rover 'DW VH21-133-0102
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - TomTom ‘DW VH21-133-0091
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Cherryberry VH21-014-0196
16. alina (VRL-14858) - Gwenaël LH VH21-088-0002
17. alina (VRL-14858) - Chumani LH VH21-055-0021
18. S (VRL-00329) - Navajo Ruby GA VH21-014-0013
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Burn Down VH21-133-0043
20. S (VRL-00329) - B Twice Over Ion VH21-014-0119
21. S (VRL-00329) - Klondike River Ion VH21-014-0122
22. S (VRL-00329) - B Barmaid Ion VH20-014-0098
23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bloom Gloom Sellamaye VH21-014-0179
24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rock a Bye Bivalve VH16-014-0068
25. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Beetle VH21-133-0110
26. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Feeling Like A Monday VH19-014-0010
27. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Good Times VH21-002-0003
28. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Smoke on the Valley LH VH21-055-0014
29. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stetson VH21-133-0111
30. k (VRL-10444) - Code Wars 'DW VH21-133-0115
31. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Designer VH21-133-0116
32. S (VRL-00329) - B West Virginian Ion VH21-014-0187

4. Pole bending (32 osallistujaa)

1. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Good Times VH21-002-0003
2. alina (VRL-14858) - Gwenaël LH VH21-088-0002
3. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stetson VH21-133-0111
4. alina (VRL-14858) - Dolce Gabbana 'DW VH21-014-0180
5. k (VRL-10444) - Gotta Catch Them All VH21-028-0106
6. S (VRL-00329) - Unreal Reflection GA VH21-052-0074
7. k (VRL-10444) - Code Wars 'DW VH21-133-0115
8. alina (VRL-14858) - Chumani LH VH21-055-0021
9. S (VRL-00329) - Abbie Doo Ion VH21-014-0193
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Grand And Glorious VH21-014-0036
11. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Secretive Sapphire LH VH21-014-0057
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Namys Rose Warrior VH19-014-0012
13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Flammable Smoke DLHS VH21-052-0067
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Burn Down VH21-133-0043
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mail Breaker VH15-014-0020
16. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083
17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - TomTom ‘DW VH21-133-0091
19. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Smoke on the Valley LH VH21-055-0014
20. S (VRL-00329) - Navajo Ruby GA VH21-014-0013
21. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Robina Zombie LH VH21-115-0008
22. S (VRL-00329) - Jamboree Radon VH14-014-0098
23. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Ahi Kōmau LH VH21-002-0002
24. S (VRL-00329) - B Fierce Ion VH21-014-0185
25. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Designer VH21-133-0116
26. alina (VRL-14858) - Five Things 'DW VH21-133-0109
27. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Day of Reckoning VH21-014-0041
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Beetle VH21-133-0110
29. k (VRL-10444) - London Fashion Week 'DW VH21-133-0113
30. alina (VRL-14858) - Range Rover 'DW VH21-133-0102
31. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Feeling Like A Monday VH19-014-0010
32. Pierre (VRL-10531) - OK VH21-052-0010

5. Keyhole race (32 osallistujaa)

1. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Ahi Kōmau LH VH21-002-0002
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Namys Rose Warrior VH19-014-0012
3. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Feeling Like A Monday VH19-014-0010
4. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Designer VH21-133-0116
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - TomTom ‘DW VH21-133-0091
6. alina (VRL-14858) - Gwenaël LH VH21-088-0002
7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rock a Bye Bivalve VH16-014-0068
8. S (VRL-00329) - Klondike River Ion VH21-014-0122
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Fleeting Fancy WCR VH15-052-0079
10. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083
11. alina (VRL-14858) - Five Things 'DW VH21-133-0109
12. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Good Times VH21-002-0003
13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bloom Gloom Sellamaye VH21-014-0179
14. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Robina Zombie LH VH21-115-0008
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Beetle VH21-133-0110
16. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176
17. k (VRL-10444) - London Fashion Week 'DW VH21-133-0113
18. S (VRL-00329) - Shiny Dun Ion VH15-052-0089
19. k (VRL-10444) - Gotta Catch Them All VH21-028-0106
20. alina (VRL-14858) - Chumani LH VH21-055-0021
21. alina (VRL-14858) - Dolce Gabbana 'DW VH21-014-0180
22. k (VRL-10444) - Code Wars 'DW VH21-133-0115
23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Anarchy Vs Monarchy VH21-037-0012
24. S (VRL-00329) - B Twice Over Ion VH21-014-0119
25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Cherryberry VH21-014-0196
26. S (VRL-00329) - B West Virginian Ion VH21-014-0187
27. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Secretive Sapphire LH VH21-014-0057
28. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Smoke on the Valley LH VH21-055-0014
29. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Burn Down VH21-133-0043
30. alina (VRL-14858) - Range Rover 'DW VH21-133-0102
31. S (VRL-00329) - B Barmaid Ion VH20-014-0098
32. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stetson VH21-133-0111

6. Keyhole race (32 osallistujaa)

1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Feeling Like A Monday VH19-014-0010
2. k (VRL-10444) - Code Wars 'DW VH21-133-0115
3. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Beetle VH21-133-0110
4. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176
5. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Designer VH21-133-0116
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mail Breaker VH15-014-0020
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - TomTom ‘DW VH21-133-0091
8. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stetson VH21-133-0111
9. alina (VRL-14858) - Range Rover 'DW VH21-133-0102
10. S (VRL-00329) - B Fierce Ion VH21-014-0185
11. S (VRL-00329) - Abbie Doo Ion VH21-014-0193
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Namys Rose Warrior VH19-014-0012
13. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Ahi Kōmau LH VH21-002-0002
14. alina (VRL-14858) - Chumani LH VH21-055-0021
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Flammable Smoke DLHS VH21-052-0067
16. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Good Times VH21-002-0003
17. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Smoke on the Valley LH VH21-055-0014
18. S (VRL-00329) - Jamboree Radon VH14-014-0098
19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - OK VH21-052-0010
20. k (VRL-10444) - London Fashion Week 'DW VH21-133-0113
21. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Robina Zombie LH VH21-115-0008
22. S (VRL-00329) - Unreal Reflection GA VH21-052-0074
23. k (VRL-10444) - Gotta Catch Them All VH21-028-0106
24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Day of Reckoning VH21-014-0041
25. alina (VRL-14858) - Dolce Gabbana 'DW VH21-014-0180
26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Grand And Glorious VH21-014-0036
27. alina (VRL-14858) - Gwenaël LH VH21-088-0002
28. Anarchy (VRL-14465) - Secretive Sapphire LH VH21-014-0057
29. S (VRL-00329) - Shiny Dun Ion VH15-052-0089
30. alina (VRL-14858) - Five Things 'DW VH21-133-0109
31. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083
32. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Burn Down VH21-133-0043