Grand Tour NMH xx (VH24-006-0183)

Rotu Englantilainen täysiverinen
Sukupuoli ori
Säkäkorkeus 169 cm
Syntynyt 22.04.2024, Espanja, yli 8v
Väri ruunikko
Painotus kenttäratsastus
Rekisteröity 09.06.2024
Kotitalli Namyshill (NAMY9545)
Kasvattajanimi NMH
Kasvattaja NAMY9545
Omistajat Ireth (VRL-03777)
i. Grand Major Namys xx
xx, 169cm, rn
ii. Namys Grand Madness xx
xx, 170cm, rn
iii. Namys Grand Canyon xx
xx, 172cm, rn
iiii. Grand Coyote xx
xx, 169cm, trn
iiie. Midnight Fairy xx
xx, 170cm, m
iie. Namys Madness Everywhere xx
xx, 168cm, rn
iiei. Sea Soul xx
xx, 169cm, rt
iiee. Madness Ends xx
xx, 167cm, rn
ie. Capetown Rewa
xx, 165cm, rt
iei. Kilkenny Easyontheeye
xx, 162cm, prt
ieii. Courcon Emory
xx, 166cm, rn
ieie. Cierra
xx, 155cm, prt
iee. Streetscape Feig
xx, 163cm
ieei. Tuntematon ori
ieee. Tuntematon tamma
e. Let It Be Namys xx
xx, 166cm, rn
ei. Namys Single Forever xx
xx, 167cm, rt
eii. SS's Single DVD xx
xx, 167cm
eiii. Rested Casino xx
xx, 173cm, rtkrj
eiie. Eluviations Colourisation's xx
xx, 162cm, rtkrj
eie. Namys Magic Mirror xx
xx, 167cm, mrn
eiei. Captain Canada in Wolf's Lands
xx, 177cm
eiee. Mirror Mirror xx
xx, 164cm, rnkm
ee. Namys Let It Go xx
xx, 163cm, rn
eei. YO Nothing Else Matters
xx, 165cm, rt
eeii. Nothing to See
xx, 170cm, rtkm
eeie. Muscat
xx, 159cm, rn
eee. Namys Let Me Get You xx
xx, 164cm, mrn
eeei. Grand Coyote xx
xx, 169cm, trn
eeee. Let Me See xx
xx, 161cm, mrn

Suvun tiedot

Sukusiitosprosentti: 0.78%
Sukukatokerroin: 0.96

Lue lisää


i. Grand Major Namys xx (VH23-006-0117) xx, 169cm, rnii. Namys Grand Madness xx (VH23-006-0005) xx, 170cm, rniii. Namys Grand Canyon xx (VH21-006-0240) xx, 172cm, rniiii. Grand Coyote xx (VH18-006-0317) xx, 169cm, trn


e. Let It Be Namys xx (VH23-006-0122) xx, 166cm, rnee. Namys Let It Go xx (VH23-006-0008) xx, 163cm, rneee. Namys Let Me Get You xx (VH21-006-0239) xx, 164cm, mrneeee. Let Me See xx (VH18-006-0318) xx, 161cm, mrn