Shared Night NMH xx (VH24-006-0187)

Rotu Englantilainen täysiverinen
Sukupuoli tamma
Säkäkorkeus 169 cm
Syntynyt 24.04.2024, Espanja, yli 8v
Painotus kenttäratsastus
Rekisteröity 10.06.2024
Kotitalli Namyshill (NAMY9545)
Kasvattajanimi NMH
Kasvattaja NAMY9545
Omistajat Ireth (VRL-03777)
i. Robber's Night vtk
xx, 170cm, rn
ii. Robin Hood BH xx
xx, 161cm
iii. Primo Robin xx
xx, 173cm, rn
iiii. Robin the Star xx
xx, 175cm, rn
iiie. Dublin Sky xx
xx, 170cm
iie. Redrose BH xx
xx, 169cm, m
iiei. Red Cap xx
xx, 170cm, rnkm
iiee. Rosmarine xx
xx, 168cm, m
ie. Capetown Rewa
xx, 165cm, rt
iei. Kilkenny Easyontheeye
xx, 162cm, prt
ieii. Courcon Emory
xx, 166cm, rn
ieie. Cierra
xx, 155cm, prt
iee. Streetscape Feig
xx, 163cm
ieei. Tuntematon ori
ieee. Tuntematon tamma
e. Namys Shared Madness xx
xx, 166cm
ei. Barbarian Battle SNAK
xx, 164cm, rn
eii. Tuntematon ori eiii. Tuntematon ori
eiie. Tuntematon tamma
eie. Tuntematon tamma eiei. Tuntematon ori
eiee. Tuntematon tamma
ee. Madness Of Two Namys xx
xx, 168cm
eei. SS's Single DVD xx
xx, 167cm
eeii. Rested Casino xx
xx, 173cm, rtkrj
eeie. Eluviations Colourisation's xx
xx, 162cm, rtkrj
eee. Namys Madness Everywhere xx
xx, 168cm, rn
eeei. Sea Soul xx
xx, 169cm, rt
eeee. Madness Ends xx
xx, 167cm, rn

Suvun tiedot

Sukusiitosprosentti: 0%
Sukukatokerroin: 1

Lue lisää


i. Robber's Night vtk (VH18-006-0342) xx, 170cm, rnii. Robin Hood BH xx (VH14-006-0388) xx, 161cmiii. Primo Robin xx (VH14-006-0238) xx, 173cm, rniiii. Robin the Star xx (VH01-006-9533) xx, 175cm, rn


e. Namys Shared Madness xx (VH23-006-0118) xx, 166cmee. Madness Of Two Namys xx (VH21-006-0363) xx, 168cmeee. Namys Madness Everywhere xx (VH21-006-0241) xx, 168cm, rneeee. Madness Ends xx (VH18-006-0319) xx, 167cm, rn