Cefnmoor Nelson (VH18-071-0012)

Tämä hevonen on kuollut 04.11.2018.
Rotu Ylämaanponi
Sukupuoli ori
Syntynyt 12.02.2017, Iso-Britannia, Kuollessaan alle 3v, tai ikääntymistä ei ole ilmoitettu
Sivut http://cefnmoor.altervista.org/cefnmoor_nelson.html
Rekisteröity 23.02.2018
Kotitalli Cefnmoor (CEFN9392)
Kasvattajanimi Cefnmoor
Omistajat Kati (VRL-00102)
i. Nechtan of Swildie
highl, 140cm, m
ii. Lúcas of Swildie
highl, 142cm, m
iii. Jemster of Silence Hills
highl, 145cm, km
iiii. Tuntematon ori
iiie. Tuntematon tamma
iie. Gavina of Crylie
highl, 140cm
iiei. Tuntematon ori
iiee. Tuntematon tamma
ie. Patch the Law
highl, 138cm, rn
iei. Paddington
highl, 140cm, rnkm
ieii. Tuntematon ori
ieie. Tuntematon tamma
iee. Faultless Lawbreaker
highl, 136cm, km
ieei. Tuntematon ori
ieee. Tuntematon tamma
e. Cirinn of Swildie
highl, 141cm, rnhkko
ei. Iomhair of Swildie
highl, 142cm, vmkm
eii. Iain of Swildie
highl, 143cm, km
eiii. Iolanthe BRN
highl, 143cm, rnkm
eiie. Belyse of Swildie
highl, 142cm
eie. KLF Gormlaith
highl, 142cm, km
eiei. KLF Diggy Loo
highl, 137cm, trn
eiee. AV Gletta
ee. Ceirdwen of Swildie
highl, 142cm
eei. Slaine of Swildie
highl, 144cm, rnvkk
eeii. Djoehem Rashid
highl, 145cm, rn
eeie. Sayer's Hotshot YIRO
highl, 139cm, km
eee. Trickster of Gcio
highl, 140cm, mkm
eeei. Jockie of Swildie
highl, 143cm, km
eeee. Wickedness of Swildie
highl, 139cm

Suvun tiedot

Sukusiitosprosentti: 1.56%
Sukukatokerroin: 0.94

Lue lisää


i. Nechtan of Swildie (VH16-071-0036) highl, 140cm, mii. Lúcas of Swildie (VH06-071-0153) highl, 142cm, miii. Jemster of Silence Hills (VH03-071-6849) highl, 145cm, km


e. Cirinn of Swildie (VH16-071-0034) highl, 141cm, rnhkkoee. Ceirdwen of Swildie (VH12-071-0020) highl, 142cmeee. Trickster of Gcio (VH06-071-5654) highl, 140cm, mkmeeee. Wickedness of Swildie (VH03-071-6836) highl, 139cmeeeee. My Last Wish (VH02-071-7869) highl