Crooked Roulette Ion (VH21-019-0030)

Rotu Tennesseenwalker
Sukupuoli ori
Säkäkorkeus 159 cm
Syntynyt 25.12.2019, yli 8v
Painotus askellajiratsastus
Rekisteröity 13.05.2021
Kotitalli Ionic (IONI0011)
Kasvattajanimi Ion
Kasvattaja IONI0011, VRL-00329
Omistajat S (VRL-00329)
i. Bottom Dealer Ion
twh, 160cm
ii. Full House Ion
twh, 157cm, rt
iii. Hold'em Ion
twh, 157cm, trn
iiii. Belfalas Gambler
twh, 156cm, m
iiie. Henriette Ion
twh, 158cm, rt
iie. Tijuana's Never Clever
twh, 156cm, rt
iiei. Ballard BRN
iiee. Modesty Blaise RDN
twh, 152cm, rt
ie. CHR Gracie Hart
twh, 161cm, mkrj
iei. Tuntematon ori ieii. Tuntematon ori
ieie. Tuntematon tamma
iee. Tuntematon tamma ieei. Tuntematon ori
ieee. Tuntematon tamma
e. Solitaire Ion
twh, 152cm
ei. Affect Ion
twh, 154cm, rtkrj
eii. Freedom Ion
twh, 156cm, rtkrj
eiii. Free Roads Ahead
twh, 154cm, mpäis
eiie. Meek's Lady Viola
twh, 158cm, rtkrj
eie. Alert BRN
eiei. Actually Oval
eiee. Anxiety X
ee. Gambelle Ion
twh, 153cm, cre
eei. Tijuana's Psychobilly
twh, 154cm
eeii. Tijuana's Jimmy The Exploder
twh, 155cm
eeie. Ayer Golden Blaze
twh, 152cm
eee. Who's Gambling Ion
twh, 152cm, cre
eeei. Who's The Man GA
twh, 152cm, vkk
eeee. Roulette BRN

Suvun tiedot

Sukusiitosprosentti: 0.39%
Sukukatokerroin: 0.95

Lue lisää


i. Bottom Dealer Ion (VH14-019-0052) twh, 160cmii. Full House Ion (VH12-019-0021) twh, 157cm, rtiii. Hold'em Ion (VH05-019-7924) twh, 157cm, trniiii. Belfalas Gambler (VH00-019-7593) twh, 156cm, miiiii. Kuro Kangae (VH00-019-1419) twh


e. Solitaire Ion (VH14-019-0079) twh, 152cmee. Gambelle Ion (VH12-019-0020) twh, 153cm, creeee. Who's Gambling Ion (VH05-019-8016) twh, 152cm, creeeee. Roulette BRN (VH03-019-0655) twh