Caroletta Ion (VH24-005-0029)

Rotu Clevelandinruunikko
Sukupuoli tamma
Säkäkorkeus 164 cm
Syntynyt 06.04.2024, yli 8v
Väri ruunikko
Rekisteröity 19.10.2024
Kotitalli Ionic (IONI0011)
Kasvattajanimi Ion
Kasvattaja IONI0011, VRL-00329
Omistajat S (VRL-00329)
i. Witterthorne Bay Pilgrim
cb, 165cm, rn
ii. Witterthorne Bay Amis
cb, 167cm, rn
iii. Haltonhill Bay Dandy
cb, 166cm, rn
iiii. Haltonhill Bay Star
cb, 168cm, rn
iiie. Tuntematon tamma
iie. Bildersborough Lady Amy
cb, 162cm, rn
iiei. Bildersborough His Highness
cb, 165cm, rn
iiee. Tynewould Amice
cb, 161cm, rn
ie. Witterthorne Claire Austin
cb, 160cm, rn
iei. Bellyard Elders Meriadoc
cb, 165cm, rn
ieii. Howdenpark Mercurial
cb, 164cm, rn
ieie. Bellyard Elders April
cb, 158cm, rn
iee. Witterthorne Clematis
cb, 159cm, rn
ieei. Glenyard Business Man
cb, 163cm, rn
ieee. Howdenpark Georgiana
cb, 160cm, rn
e. Catalina Ion
cb, 165cm, rn
ei. Halley Ion
cb, 166cm, rn
eii. Heywood F.
cb, 167cm, rn
eiii. Hal of Cherrydale
cb, 168cm, rn
eiie. Raylene
cb, 166cm, rn
eie. Catwalk Ion
cb, 164cm, rn
eiei. Batman Twilight
cb, 162cm, rn
eiee. Princess Ion
cb, 165cm, rn
ee. Douglas Estelle
cb, 166cm, rn
eei. Ashcroft Cockatoo
cb, 165cm, rn
eeii. Douglas Parrot
cb, 168cm, rn
eeie. Merry Rain Twilight
cb, 162cm
eee. Douglas Erica
cb, 167cm, rn
eeei. Hal of Cherrydale
cb, 168cm, rn
eeee. Douglas Eshter
cb, 165cm, rn

Suvun tiedot

Sukusiitosprosentti: 0%
Sukukatokerroin: 0.93

Lue lisää


i. Witterthorne Bay Pilgrim (VH21-005-0005) cb, 165cm, rnii. Witterthorne Bay Amis (VH20-005-0037) cb, 167cm, rniii. Haltonhill Bay Dandy (VH20-005-0016) cb, 166cm, rniiii. Haltonhill Bay Star (VH20-005-0007) cb, 168cm, rn


e. Catalina Ion (VH20-005-0013) cb, 165cm, rnee. Douglas Estelle (VH13-005-0031) cb, 166cm, rneee. Douglas Erica (VH13-005-0015) cb, 167cm, rneeee. Douglas Eshter (VH12-005-0025) cb, 165cm, rneeeee. Flora Eugene (VH12-005-0010) cb, 165cm, rn