Funky Xmas Ion xx (VH25-006-0019)

Rotu Englantilainen täysiverinen
Sukupuoli tamma
Säkäkorkeus 166 cm
Syntynyt 09.01.2025, yli 8v
Painotus kenttäratsastus
Rekisteröity 18.02.2025
Kotitalli Ionic (IONI0011)
Kasvattajanimi Ion
Kasvattaja IONI0011, VRL-00329
Omistajat S (VRL-00329)
i. Whole New World NMH xx
xx, 170cm, rt
ii. End Of The World Namys xx
xx, 169cm, rt
iii. Doomsday Namys xx
xx, 165cm, rt
iiii. Sarcastrophe
xx, 168cm, rtkm
iiie. Let Me See xx
xx, 161cm, mrn
iie. Roberta Sparrow Karma xx
xx, 170cm, rn
iiei. Tuntematon ori
iiee. Tuntematon tamma
ie. Namys Magic Carpet xx
xx, 169cm, rn
iei. Namys Grand Canyon xx
xx, 172cm, rn
ieii. Grand Coyote xx
xx, 169cm, trn
ieie. Midnight Fairy xx
xx, 170cm, m
iee. Namys Magic Mirror xx
xx, 167cm, mrn
ieei. Captain Canada in Wolf's Lands
xx, 177cm
ieee. Mirror Mirror xx
xx, 164cm, rnkm
e. Cover Girl Ion xx
xx, 165cm
ei. All About Us Ion xx
xx, 168cm
eii. Lýkaina Belmondo xx
xx, 166cm, vkk
eiii. Tuntematon ori
eiie. Blue Eyes xx
xx, 162cm, rn
eie. Suprant Sabrina xx
xx, 169cm, rn
eiei. Hunter xx
xx, 167cm, mrn
eiee. Stacey
ee. Redstreak Rewa xx
xx, 166cm, rn
eei. Revolver Revolution
xx, 170cm, rn
eeii. Revolyutsiya
xx, 168cm, rn
eeie. Badham
xx, 172cm, rnkrj
eee. Streetscape Feig
xx, 163cm
eeei. Tuntematon ori
eeee. Tuntematon tamma

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Sukusiitosprosentti: 0%
Sukukatokerroin: 1

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i. Whole New World NMH xx (VH24-006-0151) xx, 170cm, rtii. End Of The World Namys xx (VH23-006-0112) xx, 169cm, rtiii. Doomsday Namys xx (VH23-006-0004) xx, 165cm, rtiiii. Sarcastrophe (VH21-006-0072) xx, 168cm, rtkm


e. Cover Girl Ion xx (VH24-006-0180) xx, 165cmee. Redstreak Rewa xx (VH20-006-0110) xx, 166cm, rneee. Streetscape Feig (VH13-006-0034) xx, 163cm