Pistachio Ice Cream Ion (VH24-031-0248)

Rotu Suomalainen puoliverinen
Sukupuoli tamma
Säkäkorkeus 166 cm
Syntynyt 31.07.2024, yli 8v
Painotus esteratsastus
Sivut http://hevosmaailma.net/Ionic/PV/pistachioicecream.html
Rekisteröity 30.10.2024
Kotitalli Ionic (IONI0011)
Kasvattajanimi Ion
Kasvattaja IONI0011, VRL-00329
Omistajat S (VRL-00329)
i. Icetomycream Bones
fwb, 167cm, rt
ii. Secret Icecreamland
fwb, 171cm
iii. White Prime
fwb, 170cm
iiii. Rattlesnake Solo
iiie. Vanilladot Solo
fwb, 165cm
iie. Purrrfect Icecreamshot Stinder
fwb, 162cm, rnkm
iiei. My Ex Used to Purrrrr
hann, 166cm, rn
iiee. Suprant Iscreamicecream
fwb, 169cm, rn
ie. Samarra
fwb, 165cm
iei. Golden Sayres
trak, 167cm, prn
ieii. Golden Toucan
trak, 168cm
ieie. Sabiana SWA
trak, 162cm
iee. Wyrda Sarafina
ieei. Amyntas Bell
fwb, 169cm
ieee. Shadow's Yalumba
fwb, 169cm
e. Claridge Priscilla
fwb, 168cm
ei. The Darius
fwb, 171cm, m
eii. T.H. Casarius
fwb, 169cm, mkm
eiii. Bachelor VOE
fwb, 167cm, km
eiie. Daisy IV
bwp, 178cm, trn
eie. T.H. Daaria II
fwb, 166cm, trn
eiei. Fantomas KIS xx
xx, 167cm, trn
eiee. Daaria KIS
fwb, 166cm, trn
ee. Ramant Pachanga
fwb, 168cm
eei. Pink Pistachio Vegas
fwb, 172cm, rn
eeii. Red Wolfberry Solo
fwb, 168cm
eeie. Macadamia Woods
eee. Suprant Cha Cha Cha
fwb, 165cm
eeei. Fleetwood BG
holst, 162cm, rn
eeee. Salsa Rueda
trak, 169cm

Suvun tiedot

Sukusiitosprosentti: 0.05%
Sukukatokerroin: 0.99

Lue lisää


i. Icetomycream Bones (VH17-031-0032) fwb, 167cm, rtii. Secret Icecreamland (VH16-031-0996) fwb, 171cmiii. White Prime (VH12-031-0514) fwb, 170cmiiii. Rattlesnake Solo (VH12-031-0447) fwbiiiii. C U In Hell PB (VH03-044-7958) holstiiiiii. Sentence of Death (VH01-044-8702) holst


e. Claridge Priscilla (VH18-031-0031) fwb, 168cmee. Ramant Pachanga (VH15-031-0167) fwb, 168cmeee. Suprant Cha Cha Cha (VH14-031-0971) fwb, 165cmeeee. Salsa Rueda (VH14-021-0090) trak, 169cmeeeee. Suprant Savanna (VH13-021-0127) trak, 168cm, mrneeeeee. Stacey (VH12-006-0108) xx